Add Mail Account (iOS)
1. Add a new Mail account
On your iOS device, open up the Settings
app and scroll down until you find the Mail
From within the Mail
settings, tap on Add Account
to add a new email account. You will be presented with multiple provider options. Choose the one that is applicable to you.
For work emails, use Microsoft Exchange as the account provider.
2. Enter Your Email Address
When adding an account, you will be asked to provide your Email and a Description. The description is only there to help you differentiate the account from others on your device. You can call this account anything you deem fitting.
Different account types may ask for additional information during this step, so your screen may look slightly different if you are adding an account from a different provider. Keep this in mind.
A cellular or Wi-Fi connection is required to proceed
3. Sign-in to your Email Account
On your iOS device, open up the Settings
app and scroll down until you find the Mail
From within the Mail
settings, tap on Add Account
to add a new email account. You will be presented with multiple provider options. Choose the one that is applicable to you.
For work emails, use Microsoft Exchange as the account provider.
If you a experiencing any issues, please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket.