Add a Printer

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How to install Printers to your device

If you are unable to print to the Staff Lounge printers, you will need to re-add them using this utility. The printers each have the appropriate room number appended in their names for the sake of convenience.

1. Launch the 'Add a Printer' utility

On your desktop, look for an icon that resembles a printer with a '+' sign next to it.

This application will assist you with your printer installation.

2. Select the Printer that you want to install

Upon launching the utility, you will be presented with a list of printers available on our network.

Highlight the printer you want to install by clicking on it from the list, and then simply click on 'Install' to begin the installation.

3. Wait for the printer to be installed

The utility will now reach out to our print server, where it communicates your request.

4. Setting it as your default printer

Upon a successful install, the utility will ask you if you wish to set this new printer as your default printer.

This means every print job will default to this printer, unless you choose to print somewhere else.

You can change your default printer at any time.

5. Add additional printers

At the end of an install, the utility will ask you if you want to install any additional printers.

If you wish to do so, click 'Yes' and start another install. If you're done, simply click 'No'.

Remember to choose the appropriate printer when printing a file or a document. If you chose to designate a printer as your default printer, certain applications (like Microsoft Word and Excel) will automatically choose the default one for you, but not all applications do - so be sure to select the right one when conducting a print job.

That's it! You should now have a new printer installed on your device!
If you a experiencing issues while installing a printer, please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket.